Cuba In 2021

On this episode, we speak to Ulises Calvo Borges, an official at the Cuban Embassy in Jamaica. In this episode, Mr. Borges, spoke on how the US sanctioned embargo on Cuba has hindered the country's development and has affected the island's response to Covid - 19; that is, reagents necessary for their development and the raw materials used for their manufacturing. He also went into details on the incidents of the 11th of July which led to a social disturbance in the country. Borges also gave context on the series of protests that took place in front of the Cuban Embassy in Jamaica.

To view the transcript of this episode, click here


  • Reuters: U.S. Trade Embargo Has Cost Cuba $130 billion, U.N. Says

  • Verify: Amid Anti-Government Protests In Cuba, False Photos and Videos Are Being Shared On Social Media

  • Sputnik News: Fox News Bizarrely Blurs Out Slogans on Posters of Pro-Government Demonstrators in Cuba

  • AP News: Cuba - US Protest Narrative Paving Way for Military Incursion

  • Al Jazeera: Cuban Embassy in Paris Targeted With Petrol Bombs

  • CBS News: Why Cubans See Biden As No "Different From Trump”

  • CVM TV: Cubans in Jamaica Protest Outside Cuban Embassy


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