The Slaughter of Haiti’s Pigs
In 1979, a swine virus outbreak occurred in the Dominican Republic. Still, the situation would had a drastic effect in Haiti as a US-Canada-Mexico partnership led to 1.3 million of their Kreyol pigs been slaughtered, forever changing the country.
Additional Knowledge
AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame by Paul Farmer
From Dessalines to Duvalier: Race, Colour and National Independence in Haiti by David Nicholls
Haiti, State Against Nation: Origins and Legacy of Duvalierism by Michel-Rolph Trouillot
Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy by Elizabeth Abbott
Red and Black in Haiti: Radicalism, Conflict, and Political Change, 1934-1957 by Matthew J. Smith
The Haiti Reader: History, Culture, Politics by Duke University
Haiti’s ‘Republic of NGOs’ by Mark Schuller
Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Duvalierism by David Nicholls
Manufacturing Corporate Landscapes: The Case of Agrarian Displacement and Food (In)Security in Haiti by Marylynn Steckleya and Yasmine Shamsi
Pigs, Peasants, and Politics in Haiti: Migdal's Theory of Peasant Participation in National Politics and the Fall of Jean-Claude Duvalier by Greg Asbed
Women, Sabotaj, and Underground Food Economies in Haiti by Myron M. Beasley
Real Dictators: The Voodoo Tyrant Real Dictators
Behind The Bastards: Pappa Doc and Baby Doc: Dictators of Haiti
Papa Doc: Haiti's President for Life