One Day, Some Men Roll Up In Parliament With Guns and Took Over Government
The Jamaat al Muslimeen coup attempt was an attempt to overthrow the government of Trinidad and Tobago, instigated on Friday, 27 July 1990. Over the course of six days, Jamaat al Muslimeen, held hostages at the Red House (Parliament building) and at the headquarters of the state-owned national television broadcaster, Trinidad and Tobago Television (TTT). In the end, the prime minister was shot, persons killed and numerous lives were forever change.
Additional Knowledge
Days of Wrath: The 1990 Coup in Trinidad and Tobago by Raoul Pantin
Report by The Commission Of Enquiry Appointed To Enquire Into The Events Surrounding The Attempted Coup D’état Of 27th July 1990
Jamaat-al-Muslimeen: The Blurred Lines Between Organised Crime and Terrorism in Trinidad and Tobago by Andrew Silke
Kaiso for July 27 directed by Karen Martinez
The 1990 Coup - CCN TV Special Presentation (2009) produced by Fabian Pierre