The Hosay Masssacre of 1884
The Yaad The Yaad

The Hosay Masssacre of 1884

The 1884 Hosay Massacre in Trinidad which say agents of the colonial state - the police- turn their guns on Indians taking part in the annual Hosay festival.

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The Fight To Own Land In Jamaica
The Yaad The Yaad

The Fight To Own Land In Jamaica

On August 1st, 1838, Jamaica and the rest British West Indies, achieved emancipation. But alothough freedom day come for all Black people, land throughout the colonies were not accessible for former enslaves.

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The Salt 'Plantations' of the Caribbean
The Yaad The Yaad

The Salt 'Plantations' of the Caribbean

Most scholarship on Caribbean chattel slavery of enslaved Africans largely covers the the sugar and tobacco plantation systems. However, there was another massive industry that was built upon the enslavement of Black people - salt

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The Grenadian Revolution, Part 4: A Jewel Shines Through
The Yaad The Yaad

The Grenadian Revolution, Part 4: A Jewel Shines Through

As Eric Gairy’s tenure continued in the 1970’s, the country was on the brink of economic and social collapse; and Gairy was beginning to face opposition from all sides. But of all the oppositions that formed, one stood out: the New Jewel Movement.

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The Grenadian Revolution, Part 1: Post Emancipation Woes
The Yaad The Yaad

The Grenadian Revolution, Part 1: Post Emancipation Woes

1950 would be one of the most significant years to understand the Grenadian Revolution. However, the events of this year were years in the making due to build up tension arising from the neglect of the country’s majority black and poor population,

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Fedon’s Rebellion
The Yaad The Yaad

Fedon’s Rebellion

Beginning in March of 1795, Julien Fédon, would range a 16 months revolt against the white, colonisers on the island of Grenada

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