Everyone Except Haitians

In the wake of certain events occurring across the region, thousands of West Indians emigrated or sought refugees status to the United States by the 1970’s. Still, it would be the newly arrived Haitians and Haitian refugees that faced the most prejudice. And even though one rap group would emerge in the 1990s to address this anti-immigrant and anti-black discrimination, anti-Haitian rhetoric in the U.S. has never really gone away.

Additional Knowledge


  • AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame by Paul Farmer

  • Detain and Punish: Haitian Refugees and the Rise of the World's Largest Immigration Detention System by Carl Lindskoog

  • Pride Against Prejudice: Haitians in the United States by Alex Stepick and Nancy Foner

  • The Haiti Reader: History, Culture, Politics by Duke University

  • Unwelcome Strangers: American Identity and the Turn Against Immigration by David M. Reimers


  • Breaking the Silence: The Fugees and "The Score" by George Lipsitz

  • Cuban/Haitians Entrant Program by Denise Blackburn

  • Human Rights, U.S. Foreign Policy, and Haitian Refugees by Gilburt Loescher and John Scanlan

  • Islands of Sovereignty: Haitian Migration and the Borders of Empire by Jeffrey S. Kahn

  • United States Immigration Policy: The 1965 Act and its Consequences by Timothy J. Hatton

  • Refugees, Racism, and Reparations: A Critique of the United States' Haitian Immigration Policy by Malissia Lennox

  • The ‘Visible Scapegoats’ of U.S. Imperialism: HIV Positive Haitian Refugees and Carceral Quarantine at Guantanamo Bay by A. Naomi Paik


  • Boston Review: Guantánamo’s Other History

  • NACLA: Haiti - The AIDS Stigma

  • Pitchfork: Fugees - The Score Album Review

  • Vox: Trump’s Guantánamo Plan is an Old Idea — With an Ugly History


  • Papa Doc: Haiti's President for LifE


  • Real Dictators: The Voodoo Tyrant Real Dictators

  • Behind The Bastards: Pappa Doc and Baby Doc: Dictators of Haiti

  • Lest We Forget: The Slaughter of Haiti’s Pigs


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